Why and How to Use “get_dummies” (One-Hot Encoding) in Machine Learning

You may know that machines work better with numbers. There is an interesting approach to transform label data to numeric values in Python. Being more specific about the technique — a way to convert the information into indicator/binary type 0 or 1. By “label data”, or also called “categorical data”, I mean values represented as a string such as “male”, “female”, used for gender. Or “blue”, “orange”, “red” for colours. Or whatever it may be

How To Prepare Text Data for Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Introduction to sentence segmentation, tokenization, stop word removal, stemming, and lemmatization. This article will explain five processes applied to written content in the “Pre-processing” step — the first and critical step in Natural Language Processing (NLP). I’ll consider only the English language

Python For Beginners: Install and Run Your First Code

Python is a great language for those starting in coding. You can install and quickly start programming in a matter of minutes. If you’re learning to code and entering the field of machine learning or data science in general, there is no better language than Python. Among other characteristics, it contains powerful libraries for efficiently managing data (collection, extraction, cleaning) — that’s a key reason for being so popular.

Understand Basic Linear Regression Concepts To Get Started With Machine Learning

Why it’s called “regression,” how to find the regression line (intuition), and how to measure how good it is. It’s time to take two steps back in my machine learning journey and dive into the math, algorithms, and intuition behind the scenes. It’s been fun to learn frameworks such as PyTorch, TensorFlow, and the Python language itself. But I realize I’m always getting stuck and having to circle back to understand things better. I want to close this gap.

The Perfect Language is a Combination of Java and Python

Wouldn’t it be cool if we could easily select features to build our own programming language? Imagine when you buy a car or a computer, for example — you select a base model/something to start with, and then add or remove options. I work with Java for a few good years, and I like it — it’s not dead for sure (not for me at least). But I’d wish I could quickly start coding in the terminal, as you can do with Python. Am I asking for too much?

Python Template String Formatting Method

Template string is another method used to format strings in Python. In comparison with %operator, .format() and f-strings, it has a (arguably) simpler syntax and functionality. It’s ideal for internationalization (i18n), and there are some nuances that you may find advantageous—especially when working with regular expressions (regex). Let’s first see the syntax of the other three, so we can compare

Machines are Finally Catching up – Reinforcement Learning Fundamentals

Machines seem to be finally catching up. To study Machine Learning while minding my two-year-old son makes things a little bit more interesting. I imagine him like a super-intelligent robot (I mean: super, super intelligent) right there with you simulating the things you’re reading about. How does he learn so fast?! He tries, tries and tries until he gets lucky. Then there is a reward: something is open, or a lego block falls into place

Applying Monte Carlo Simulation in Basketball to Predict Games Outcome

Implementation in Python. Is it better to take the three or quick two-plus intentional foul? Monte Carlo Simulation is a type of simulation where the events are chosen to happen randomly. By iterating and trying out various outcomes many times, arbitrarily, it gives great confidence in the result. [1] The name comes from Monte Carlo, located in Monaco, known for its strong gambling activity

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